- “Small error in the beginning is a great one in the end.”
- Outline
- What is signified by “being/ens” and “essence”
- How essence is found in diverse things
- What it relates to the logical intentions (genus, species, difference)
- Understanding should go from composed things to simple things
- Therefore, we will consider ens and then essential
Chapter 1: What ens and essentia mean
- [1] Ens per se is said in two ways
- What is divided through the 10 genera
- What signifies the truth of propsitions
- The second way is said of anything (even “nothing” and “blindness”); the first way is only of what posits something in the thing
- [2] “Essence” is from “ens” in the first way, and is that through which something is in its genus and species
- [3] Other names for essence:
- “Whatness/Quidditas,” since the genus and species tell what a thing is
- “What it was to be,” that is, that through which something has it to be a what
- “Form,” through form is signified the exactness of anything
- “Nature,” taken to mean everything that can in any way be seized upon by the understanding, or it means the essence of thing as it is ordered to its proper operation
- “Essence,” since through it and in it a being/ens has existence/esse
- [4] Since ens is first said of substances, so essence is most properly in substances
- Furthermore, essence is in composed and simple substances
- But in the simple in a more noble way since they cause the composed ones
- The simple essences are more hidden, so we begin with the composed
Chapter 2: How
essence exists in composed substances
- [1-2] What the essence of a composed thing is not
- Not the matter alone
- A thing is knowable and in its genus/species through essence
- Matter is not a principle of cognition, nor does it place in genus/species
- Not the form alone
- Essence is signified by the definition of a thing, but natural things have matter in their definition (otherwise their definition would be like math definitions which do not have matter in them)
- Therefore the essence comprehends matter and form
- Not the relation between matter and form (or any other accident)
- This would be an accident and extraneous, and would not make the thing known
- Nor do accidents make a thing be simply, but only in a way (secundum quid); e.g. whiteness only makes a thing to be white, whereas the form makes a thing to be simply
- [3] This account agrees with many philosophers and with reason
distinction: Designated and undesignated
- [4] Difficulty: Since matter is the principle of individuation, it may seem that an essence that contains matter is only the essence of a particular; universals could not be defined
- Solution:
- Principle of individuation is not matter taken in any way
- Principle of individuation is signate or designated matter, matter considered under determinate dimensions
- This designated matter is not in the definition of man as man, but would be in the definition of Socrates
- Undesignated matter is in the definition of man (not this bone or this flesh, but bone and flesh absolutely)
- Therefore, the essence of man and Socrates do not differ except by according to the matter being designated (signate) or undesignated (non-signate)
- [5] The essence of genus and species also differ according to designation, but not in the same way
- Designation of an individual with respect to species is through matter under determinate dimensions
- Designation of a species with respect to genus is through a difference taken from the form of the thing
- Also, it is through something that is somehow in the genus
- Whatever is in the species is in the genus in an indeterminate way
- If this were not so, one could not predicate the genus of a species (e.g. one could not say man is an animal)
- [6-7] Body is said in many ways
- “Body” as it is in genus of substance (this is the sense taken below)
- Said about that which has such a nature that the 3 dimensions can be designated in it
- “Body” as it is in genus of quantity
- Said about those 3 dimensions which can be designated in a body
- “Body” can signify with precision
- In this way, to add anything would put that thing outside of the signification of body; man would not a be a body in this sense
- Body in this sense is therefore a part of a man (soul is the other part), and not the genus of man; in this sense, man has a body
- “Body” can signify without precision
- In this way, it signifies a certain thing that has such a form due to which 3 dimensions can be designated in it, but it allows that there be further perfections
- Body in this sense will be the genus of animal and man, for it will implicitly contain everything in animal and man; in this sense, man is a body
- [8] Animal stands to man in the same as body to animal
Genus, difference,
species each signify the whole essence
- [9] Genus, difference, species and definition signify the whole, but in diverse ways
- Genus signifies whole as a certain denomination determining that which is material in the thing without a determination of the proper form
- It is taken from matter, but is not matter
- Difference signifies whole as a certain denomination taken determinately from the form
- Definition or species signifies the whole and comprehends both the determinate matter (which genus designates) and the determinate form (which difference designates)
- [10] Consequences
- Man is a rational animal, but is not made up of rational and animal
- Conversely, man is made up of body and soul, but is neither body nor soul (Taking body with precision, so that it is a component of man)
- Man is only “composed” of rational and animal, inasmuch as the understanding of man is composed of the understanding of rational and the understanding of animal
- [11] One genus predicated of many does not mean one essence in the many, for the unity of the genus is from indetermination
- [12-14] How “humanity” and “man” signify the essence
- Just as the genus signifies the whole species contained in it implicitly, so the species signifies indistinctly the whole that is essentially in the individual
- “Man” can be predicated of an individual man, and it signifies the whole essence through the mode of a whole
- “Humanity” signifies the whole essence through the mode of a part, for it signifies that by which a man is a man
- Since individuated matted is not that by which a man is a man, it is not included in the signification of the word “humanity”; for this reason, it cannot predicated of an individual man
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